Community Rehabilitation Programme For The Disabled (CBR)
Project Profile
Sector: Social Development Sector
Sub-sector: Social Protection
Vote Function: Social Protection for the Vulnerable Groups
Code: 0337 (formerly SI 10(A))
Title: Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)
Implementing Agency: Ministry of Gender, Labour & Social Development
Location: Butaleja, Busia, Kayunga and Tororo,
Total Plan Exp: US$ 2.95m
Funds Secured: US$ 0.90m
Funding Gap: US$ 2.05m
Starting Date: 2002
Completion date: Continuous
The Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Programme was initiated in 1992 with the aim of enhancing the participation and productivity of PWDs within their communities.
With support from the Government of Uganda and Norwegian Association of the Disabled (NAD), the programme was first piloted in Mbarara, Bushenyi and Kabale but later expanded to Mukono, Tororo, Mbale, Iganga, Kamuli, Rukungiri and Ntungamo.
In 2000, an evaluation to assess the impact of the programme was carried out. Achievements were noted as well as gaps.
It was agreed that the gaps be addressed in Tororo local government using funding from MoFPED. The lessons learnt have been replicated in Busia and Kayunga districts since 2005 and Butaleja in 2007 Since disability issues transcend realms of one sector, Activities of the CBR programme are implemented in collaboration with other sectors and stakeholders.
However, the CBR activities are fairly implemented in other local governments using their locally raised funds.
Objectives of CBR Programme
- To raise awareness among civic and political leaders, and communities about disability issues;
- To advocate for, and promote effective service delivery to PWDs across all sectors;
- To promote collaboration between Government and NGOs in delivery of services to PWDs;
- To build the capacity of PWDs, their families and communities for prevention and management of disability;
- To equip PWDs with skills so that so that they participate in development process;
Expected Outputs
- Increased awareness on disability issues in families, communities and among Political and civic leaders;
- Effective participation of PWDs in development activities;
- Improved Service delivery to PWDs by all stakeholders;
- Capacity of PWDs, their families and communities for prevention and management of disability enhanced;
- More programmes in local Governments mainstream disability concerns ;
- Improved collaboration between Government and NGOs; and
- Rights of PWDs observed.
Performance Indicators
- Number of political and Civic leaders sensitised on disability issues and positive in addressing them;
- Number of PWDs accessing social services and participating in community activities;
- Number of PWDs, their families and communities knowledgeable in prevention and management of disabilities;
- Number of PWDs who have received assistive devices and appliances;
- No of PWDS giving testimonies about the programme; and
- No. of programmes, sectors integrating disability concerns in their plans;
Technical Description
The project components are:
- Public awareness raising through mobilisation and Sensitisation of communities on disability issues;
- Capacity building through training of trainers, PWDs, families of PWDs, artisans and other stakeholders.
- Home based care and support programmes for managing disabilities;
- Employment of PWDs through accessing them to development programmes within their communities;
- Referrals to health, education and other socio-economic services;
- Provision of assistive devices; and
- Psychosocial support to PWDs.
Feasibility Studies
A feasibility study focusing on the needs of PWDs was carried out by a Consultancy firm led by Makerere University Department of Social Work and Social Administration.
It recommended the establishment of the CBR programme focusing on coverage, reducing the occurrence of disability, managing the prevalence of disability and sustainability of CBR activities.
Other studies and evaluation to assess impact of the programme have been conducted to improve on the expansion and service delivery.
The project is financed by the Government of Uganda (GoU).
Plan of Operations
The Ministry of Gender, Labour & Social Development in particular the Department of Disability and Elderly coordinates the project.
Since disability issues are crosscutting a national district CBR steering committees have been instituted to oversee and guide the implementation of the programme activities.
At district level, the CDO / Disability and Elderly, is the focal person in charge of disability affairs in the district.