Welcome To The Ministry Website.
This website is aimed at informing you about the various services offered by the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development in addition to other developments in the area of Social Development in the country.
Therefore, the Ministry plays a fundamental role in creating demand for social services and laying a foundation for other sectors to improve their outcomes.
“A better standard of living, equity and social cohesion”
“Promote employment and productivity, positive cultural values, rights of vulnerable groups and gender responsive development”
The Ministry objectives are to:
(i) Promote decent employment opportunities and labour productivity;
(ii) Enhance effective participation of communities in the development process;
(iii) Enhance the resilience and productive capacity of the vulnerable persons for inclusive growth;
(iv) Empower youth to harness their potential and increase self-employment, productivity and competitiveness;
(v) Promote rights, gender equality & equity and women empowerment in the development process;
(vi) Strengthen the performance of the Social Development Sector (SDS) institutions; and
(vii) Redress imbalances and promote equal opportunity for all.