Government of the Republic of Uganda has been allocated grant funds (the “Grant”) from the World Bank which are administered by the International Development Association (IDA) (the “Bank”) towards the implementation of the Generating Growth Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprises (GROW) Project. The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development is the lead implementing Agency with the Private Sector Foundation Uganda as an implementing Entity. The Project Development Objective is to increase access to entrepreneurial services that enable women entrepreneurs to grow their enterprises in targeted locations, including host and refugee communities.

MGSLD is in the process of establishing a Project Implementation Team to facilitate coordination, management and implementation of the Project at the national and sub-national levels, and now invites suitably qualified and experienced individuals to express interest in the following positions:

SNReference numberPositionNumber of Vacancies
1UG-MOGLSD-362769-CS-INDVTraining & Business Skills Development Specialist1
2UG-MOGLSD-362771-CS-INDVWork- based Learning Specialist1
3UG-MOGLSD-362773-CS-INDVGrants Specialist1

Details of the scope of services, deliverables, and Transcripts, to be delivered at MGLSD’s General qualifications, contract and reporting arrangements Registry on 2nd Floor, Gender and Labour House, Plot can be found at 2, George Street Not later than 1700hrs on January

27, 2025. Applications should include the Reference

The selection will be conducted in accordance with

Number and Position applied for. Only shortlisted

the procedures for Individual Consultants Selection applicants will be contacted.

(ICS) set out in the World Bank Procurement

Regulations for Investment Project Financing (IPF) Please note that this is a re-advert. Applicants who Borrowers dated November 2020 (Procurement submitted applications for the earlier processes Regulations).and are still interested in any of the 3 positions

should reapply.

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to

Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the The Permanent Secretary

Procurement Regulations setting forth the World Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development

Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.  Gender and Labour House, Plot 2, George Street

P.O. Box 7136 Interested     eligible     applicants  should submit KAMPALA. applications including a cover letter, current

Tel: +256 414 347 854

Curriculum Vitae and copies of Academic Certificates


Details of the Terms of Reference can be found below;

Click here for Details


The Government of the Republic of Uganda under the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) is implementing the Uganda Graduate Volunteer Scheme (UGVS). The Scheme provides young graduates access to workspaces in Public and Private organizations, Civil Society, and UN Agencies to gain employability skills. The Scheme leverages on volunteerism as an essential mechanism for skills development and enhances young graduates’ employability by equipping them with the highly needed workplace skills and experience.

MGSLD now invites suitably qualified graduates/individuals to apply for graduate volunteer positions at UGVS.

Interested eligible applicants should submit applications including a cover letter, current Curriculum Vitae, a copy of the National ID, and copies of Academic Certificates and Transcripts/Testimonials, to be delivered at MGLSD’s General Registry on 2nd Floor, Gender and Labour House, Plot 2, George Street Not later than 1700hrs on 29th November 2024. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted

Details of the scope of services, deliverables, qualifications, contract and reporting arrangements can be found by clicking the link below;

Click here for more details


The programme aims at providing structured employment-based learning and work readiness skills to the unemployed/underemployed youths, aged 16 to 35 years in line with Uganda National Apprenticeship Framework 2018 and Employment Act, 2006. This programme is targeting the youth and women in the Districts of Rwenzori and Albertine sub-regions. Eligible participants include residents of the following districts; Fortportal City, Kabarole, Kasese, Bunyangabu, Bundibugyo, Ntoroko, Kamwenge, Hoima City, Masindi, Kiryandongo, Kibaale, Kikuube, Kagadi and Hoima district

Please note that the application deadline is; 02-11-2024, 04: OOpm. The Application Form can be accessed from and returned to District Labour Offices, ENABEL Regional Office, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development/ Department of Labour, Industrial Relations and Productivity and UHOA Office at HQ and Hoima. This process is completely free of charge. Click here for the application form

Click here for more details

Terms of Reference for Administrative Assistant

Job title: Administrative Assistant
Number of positions: One
Reports to: Project Administrator, MGLSD
Duty Station: MGLSD Headquarters (Kampala)
Duration of contract: 24 months with 3 months’ probation

Job Purpose Ensure proper office management by performing all secretarial and office management duties.

Interested eligible applicants should submit applications including a cover letter, current Curriculum Vitae and copies of Certified Academic Certificates, Transcript and any other relevant documents to the MGLSD’s General Registry on 2nd Floor, Gender and Labour House, Plot 2, George Street not later than 1700hrs on November 1st 2024. Applications should include the Reference Number and Position applied for. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Details of the Terms of Reference can be found below;

Click here for Details

Terms of Reference for Communication Specialist

Job title: Communication Specialist
Number of positions: One
Reports to: Project Coordinator, MGLSD
Duty Station: MGLSD Headquarters (Kampala)
Duration of contract: 24 months with 4 months’ probation

Job Purpose
The Communications Specialist will work within the MGLSD communications structures in planning, designing, implementing and carrying out GROW project communication activities, at MGLSD and PSFU including the development of a communications strategy and plan. S/he will draft information, content and/or products for public access, create and maintain the project's public communication information systems on the social platforms (such as Twitter, MGLSD website, Facebook, etc.), in accordance with the GOU and World Bank’s communication and media guidelines. The specialist shall ensure timely and regular information dissemination and sharing of information to stakeholders and will be the focal media liaison officer for the project.

Interested eligible applicants should submit applications including a cover letter, current Curriculum Vitae and copies of Academic Certificates, Transcript and any other relevant documents to the MGLSD’s General Registry on 2nd Floor, Gender and Labour House, Plot 2, George Street not later than 1700hrs on April 27th 2024. Applications should include the Reference Number and Position applied for. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Details of the Terms of Reference can be found below;

Click here for Details


Terms of Reference for Refugee Specialist

Job title: Refugee Specialist
Number of positions: One (1)
Reports to: Project Coordinator, MGLSD
Duty Station: MoGLSD Headquarters (Kampala)
Duration of contract: 24 months with 4 months probation

Job Purpose
The Refugee Specialist will be responsible for the coordination and implementation of all project sub-component interventions in refugees and hosting districts.

Interested eligible applicants should submit applications including a cover letter, current Curriculum Vitae and copies of Academic Certificates, Transcript and any other relevant documents to the MGLSD’s General Registry on 2nd Floor, Gender and Labour House, Plot 2, George Street not later than 1700hrs on April 27th 2024. Applications should include the Reference Number and Position applied for. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Details of the Terms of Reference can be found below;

Click here for Details


Reference is made to the Job Advert that ran on the Ministry Website, Monitor and New Vision newspapers dated 25th August 2023 and 28th August 2023 respectively, in which three (3) positions of Project Administrator (1), Office Attendant (1) and Drivers (4) were advertised.

Adjustments have been made to the requirements for the position of Driver under the Section of Experience and Competencies specifically on parts (a) and (d) as follows;

  1. Valid driving permit of class C, held for the last three years.
  2. Certificate of competence issued by the Ministry of Works and Transport or a licensed institution.


Interested eligible applicants should submit applications including a cover letter, current Curriculum Vitae and copies of Academic Certificates, Transcript and any other relevant documents to the MGLSD’s General Registry on 2nd Floor, Gender and Labour House, Plot 2, George Street not later than 1700hrs on 20th October 2023. Those who had already applied do not need to reapply. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Details of the scope of services, deliverables, qualifications, contract and reporting arrangements can be found below;

Click here for Details


The Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development (MGLSD), in partnership with the United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is implementing the Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) Programme with funding support from SIDA. The overall objective of the CSSP programme is to improve community and household resilience among refugees and host populations in refugee-host districts (Koboko, Yumbe, Adjumani, Moyo, Obongi, Madi Okolo, Terego and Arua) in the West Nile sub region.

The CSSP programme is structured into three broader outcome areas each led by either WFP or UNICEF in collaboration with the Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development as follows:

  1. Support to social protection systems, providing household transfers, strengthening national cash-transfer mechanisms, and strengthening national beneficiary identification and assistance management systems.
  2. A comprehensive health and nutrition package including health systems strengthening.
  3. Finally, a component addressing cross-cutting aspects, including strong linkages with existing programmes, strengthening local retail markets, strengthening national systems for feedback and complaints, and not least, operational research.

To support the implementation of the Programme, the MGLSD wishes to recruit two Programme Assistants.






VACANCIES:           02

Interested eligible applicants should submit applications including a cover letter, current Curriculum Vitae and copies of Academic Certificates and Transcripts, to be delivered at the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development’s General Registry on 2nd Floor, Gender and Labour House, Plot 2, George Street Not later than 1700hrs on 25 October.  Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Click here for Details



The Government of the Republic of Uganda was allocated grant funds (the “Grant”) from the World Bank which are administered by the International Development Association (IDA) (the “Bank”) towards implementation of the Generating Growth Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprises (GROW) Project. The Project Development Objective is to increase access to entrepreneurial services that enable women entrepreneurs to grow their enterprises in targeted locations, including host and refugee communities. The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) is the lead implementing Agency with the Private Sector Foundation Uganda as an implementing Entity.

The MGSLD is in the process of establishing a Project Implementation Team to facilitate coordination, management and implementation of the Project at the national and sub-national levels, and now invites suitably qualified and experienced individuals to fill the following positions:

1.Project Accountant1
2.Procurement Officer1
3.Regional Project Officer, Eastern Region1
4.Regional Project Officer, Western Region1
5.Regional Project Officer, Central Region1
6.Regional Project Officer, Northern Region1
7.Information Technology Officer1
8.Management Information Systems (MIS) Officer1

Interested eligible applicants should submit applications including a cover letter, current Curriculum Vitae and copies of Academic Certificates and Transcripts, to the MGLSD’s General Registry on 2nd Floor, Gender and Labour House, Plot 2, George Street not later than 1700hrs on 16th  October 2023. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Details of the scope of services, deliverables, qualifications, contract and reporting arrangements can be found below;

Click here for Details


The Government of the Republic of Uganda was allocated grant funds (the “Grant”) from the World Bank which are administered by the International Development Association (IDA) (the “Bank”) towards implementation of the Generating Growth Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprises (GROW) Project. The Project Development Objective is to increase access to entrepreneurial services that enable women entrepreneurs to grow their enterprises in targeted locations, including host and refugee communities. The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) is the lead implementing Agency with the Private Sector Foundation Uganda as an implementing Entity.

The MGSLD is in the process of establishing a Project Implementation Team to facilitate coordination, management and implementation of the Project at the national and sub-national levels, and now invites suitably qualified and experienced individuals to fill the following positions:


S/NReference numberNumber of vacancies
1.Project Administrator1
2.Office Attendant1

Interested eligible applicants should submit applications including a cover letter, current Curriculum Vitae and copies of Academic Certificates and Transcripts, to the MGLSD’s General Registry on 2nd Floor, Gender and Labour House, Plot 2, George Street not later than 1700hrs on 8th September 2023. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Details of the scope of services, deliverables, qualifications, contract and reporting arrangements can be found below;

Click here for Details


Government of the Republic of Uganda has been allocated grant funds (the “Grant”) from the World Bank which are administered by the International Development Association (IDA) (the “Bank”) towards implementation of the Generating Growth Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprises (GROW) Project. The Project Development Objective is to increase access to entrepreneurial services that enable women entrepreneurs to grow their enterprises in targeted locations, including host and refugee communities. The Project is being implemented jointly by the Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development (MGLSD) and Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU). MGSLD is in the process of establishing a Project Implementation Team to facilitate coordination, management and implementation of the Project at the national and sub-national levels, and now invites suitably qualified and experienced individuals to express interest in the following positions:

s/nReference numberPositionNumber of vacancies
1UG-MGLSD-333692-CS-INDVProject Coordinator1
2UG-MGLSD-333696-CS-INDVSocial Development Specialist1
3UG-MGLSD-333699-CS-INDVFinancial Management Specialist1
4UG-MGLSD-333728-CS-INDVGender Specialist1
5UG-MGLSD-333727-CS-INDVProcurement Specialist1

The selection will be conducted in accordance with the procedures for selection of Individual Consultants set out in the World Bank
Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing (IPF) Borrowers dated November 2020 (Procurement Regulations).
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the Procurement Regulations setting
forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
Interested eligible applicants should submit applications including a cover letter, current Curriculum Vitae and copies of Academic
Certificates and Transcripts, to be delivered at MGLSD’s General Registry on 2nd Floor, Gender and Labour House, Plot 2, George
Street Not later than 1700hrs on May 16, 2023. Applications should include the Reference Number and Position applied for. Only
shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
Details of the scope of services, deliverables, qualifications, contract and reporting arrangements can be found by clicking below;

Download job details here


The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, invites suitably qualified Persons to apply for the vacant positions below:

Sign language Interpreters (4)

Kitchen Attendant (1)

Assistant Instructor Welding and Metal Fabrications (1)

Askari (2)

Instructor carpentry and woodwork technology (1)

Assistant Instructor Cosmetology and hair dressing   (1)

Instructor Cosmetology and hair dressing   (2)

Assistant Instructor Bakery and Pastry (1)

Instructor Bakery and Pastry (4)

Instructor leather tanning and shoe making (1)

Assistant Instructor knitting and weaving (2)

Instructor knitting and weaving (3)

Assistant Instructor tailoring and garment designing (2)

Instructor tailoring and garment designing (2)


For more details about the available positions click the link below;

Download job details here

Those interested and meet the requirements please apply to the, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and deliver your applications to Security Registry.

Closing Date: All applications must be submitted before by 27th January, 2023 at 5:00 pm.



The Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development is implementing the Green Jobs and Fair Labour Market Programme (GJP) which aims at enhancing green and decent employment, labour productivity and poverty reduction through:
i. promotion of green skilling and re-skilling among the educated and uneducated working age population;
ii. promotion of resource efficiency and social safeguards at workplaces; and
iii. enhancement of the productivity of the informal sector and SMEs.

The Programme requires additional staff to support the implementation of key outputs. The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development is therefore seeking to recruit four (4) Programme Staff on a short term contract to support the effective implementation of Programme interventions. The Ministry, therefore, invites applications from qualified Ugandans to fill vacant positions in the Programme Technical Support Team:

Download job details here

Those who are interested and meet the requirements please apply to the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Gender, Labour & Social Development and hand deliver your applications to Security Registry, 2nd Floor, Gender and Labour House.

Closing Date: All applications must be submitted before by Friday, 30th September 2022 at 5:00 pm.