Search Results for: uganda children

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Kireka Helpline

The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MoGLSD) has partnered with the Uganda Child Rights NGO Network (UCRNN) with the support of UNICEF to set-up and operate a national child helpline service to address existing gaps in reporting and responding to cases of violence against children. The national child helpline service is: (a)...

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UWEP helps Karusandara women fight stigma

Originally discriminated against for being HIV/AIDS positive, 570 women in Karusandara Sub-county in Busongora South Constituency, Kasese District have reinvented themselves by forming a Crafts Making and Selling Group. The group chairperson, Ms Donata Komuhangyi, says Karusandara Women Crafts Making and Selling Group was established in 2004, as...

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Kichinjaji dream; the gains of stationery manufacture

Single motherhood and limited means, coupled with unlimited demands is such a challenge to many women that some abandon their children while others resort to unbecoming social activities, some of which can endanger their lives. The need for decent living in an ever challenging economic atmosphere which is characterized by an ever rising cost of li...

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